Thursday, January 25, 2018

week 4, day 1, Activity 2: Lord of the Rings

Activity 2: Lord of the Rings

If I had $300 million dollars I would buy:

PS4 & games
X-Box 360 & games
New Car
New House
Spa Pool
Biggest flat screen tv in the world
Private jet
A new house for everyone in my family.

1 comment:

  1. Hi James

    You have really made some awesome choices about what to spend your money on. I can just imagine you sitting in your new house, playing playstation on the biggest TV in the world!!

    Where would your new house be? If you have your own jet to use you could have one or more houses anywhere in the world?

    What about your new car? What and how many new cars would you have?

    I love that you have taken care of your whole family and bought them all new houses too.
    You are a very kind person James.

    Well done

    Until next time

    Allie :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.