Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The hoop fell

The hoop fell

The hoop fell on me and it hurt then my hard ball fell on my head and that hurt to then the top of the hoop fell on my arm.That really hurt so i sat in side for a while. After a while the hoop fell again not on me thou i was too more shots and it stood up rite it fell then it was. Not stadel ‘i was relift after i was stadel i whispered’.

This is the hoop                                        I have lernt not to do more then one thing

Image result for hoop


  1. Hi James,

    Hopefully that didn't seriously hurt you. Once a hoop fell on me and it really does hurt. Maybe next time you could use a different font, so it is easier read.

  2. Hi James,

    Ouch that must of hurt a lot, one time when I was shooting it nearly fell on me too. hopefully that didn't make you go to the hospital maybe next time proofread your work


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